Cherokee Enterprises, LLC
Hunting & FishingGuide ServiceOutfitters
About Us
South Dakota hunting with Crooked Creek Outfitters offers prime Mule Deer hunts, Antelope hunts, and predator hunts in ''almost'' Montana. The hunting area covers over 32,000 acres, some of which borders Montana. The hunting area is located in Harding County, South Dakota.
The outstanding rugged terrain and range is loaded with Mule Deer and Antelope and has some big animals. The outfitters are very experienced and know their South Dakota hunting land, and in some cases, you will fill early.
While hunting with us you will be housed in comfortable surroundings with all your meals provided.
We offer guided archery/firearm hunting for Deer and Antelope. Licenses are available over the counter upon request for archery. You may buy your license by applying directly to the South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks.
Most hunts are spot and stalk done along pre-scouted trails, gullies, alfalfa fields, waterholes, fences, and water tanks. We use both man-made and ''Ameristep'' brand blinds due to the fact that we have prairie and ''Badland Breaks'' landscape with numerous dry creek bottoms, alfalfa fields, food plots, and hay corrals.
Crooked Creek Outfitters, LLC has the U.S. Forest Service Permit for all of Custer National Forest located in our area, and we are also an Outdoor Channel Recommended Outfitter. We utilize both tree stands and ground blinds for archery.