4th of July Parade
Note: More horses and riders are needed to carry the 50 state flags in the parade. Please call Darby Nutter (605-319-6071) or Kelly Tibbs (605-223-7690)
Pre-Registration is recommended. Parade Entry Form is available at City Hall or on City website. Awards for Most Patriotic, Best Horse Drawn, Most Humorous, Best South Dakota Pride, Best Fort Pierre Pride, and Best Antique Vehicle. No water cannons or large water guns on floats. No personal vehicles allowed to park in parade staging area.
Line-up 8 AM - 9:30 AM July 4th
Parade Begins 10 AM July 4th
B-1 Bomber Flyover 12:15 PM (Route is from the north, over Oahe Dam, above the Missouri River and down Deadwood Avenue)
The parade planning committee named the late Robbie Calkins as honorary Parade Marshall this year. A longtime area farmer/rancher, Robbie left gifts of $500,000 a piece in his will to the Pat Duffy Community Center and to the Verendrye Museum.
We welcome visitors to join us on this special holiday. Please be a good neighbor and follow the fireworks discharge hours. Porta-potties and dumpsters are being made available in various areas of the city. Please allow spent fireworks to cool and then dispose of the litter appropriately.
Happy Independence Day!
Date and Time
Thursday Jul 4, 2024
Line-up 8 AM - 9:30 AM July 4th
Parade begins at 10 AM, July 4th
B-1 Bomber Flyover at 12:15