Jobs in the 605: Manfacturing Statewide Virtual Hiring Event
Our Manufacturing Virtual Hiring Event provides opportunities for job seekers and manufacturing employers across the state to interact in real time through text chat and video interviews.
Employers - Conduct same-day interviews, discuss job openings, and interact with job seekers to find suitable candidates for your open positions. Sign up for your free virtual booth today: Link
Job Seekers - Visit online with manufacturing employers throughout the state to learn about their companies and job openings, and possibly interview the same day. Register for free today: Link
Check out the "How to Register" videos on the Registration pages for guidance on signing up.
Contact the Job Service office with questions about the event or for help preparing: Link
Brought to you by the South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation, South Dakota Governor's Office of Economical Development, South Dakota Manufacturing and Technology Solutions, the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Economical Development Professionals Association.
Date and Time
Thursday Oct 3, 2024
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Thursday, October 3rd from 2-5 PM
Contact Information