SD State High School Rodeo Finals Activities
SD State Highschool Rodeo Finals Activities
IEEE-USA IWRC is bringing the CHIPS Act to South Dakota! SIOUX FALLS
Helping small business and tribe owned businesses IEEE-USA IWRC brings the CHIPS Act to South Dakota 11 June with key sponsors AFRL Regional Network- Midwest and South Dakota State University! The 2024 IEEE-USA IWRC (Innovation, Workforce, and Research) Conference Dakotas brings together industry leaders, academics, and government representatives to bridge the gap between cutting-edge research and practical, market-ready applications. During this one-day summit, experts from the Dakotas and from organizations like the Department of Commerce CHIPS Office, NATCAST, South Dakota SBIR and the National Science Foundation EPSCoR office, will delve into topics such as research grants, technology transfer programs, start-up funding, and intellectual property, and how CHIPS funding can benefit South Dakota. The 11 June event aims to inspire and empower true innovation in the Dakotas and Midwest. There will be a pre-conference evening reception the night before and the preliminary agenda is available now at https://iwrc.ieeeusa.org/dakotas/. More info at: https://iwrc.ieeeusa.org/dakotas/
SD Discovery Centers 35th Birthday Bash
Join in on the BIG birthday bash! You can be the first to experience the new exhibit, ''What Will You Build?'' View awe-inspiring movies in the ''Journey Beyond the Known'' planetarium dome. Enjoy legacy exhibits from years past, and more! From now until December 31, 2024, community members and visitors can purchase Discovery Center Candles for either $3.50 or $35.00 to light up the next 35 years of discovery. Visit this link to purchase your candle online or stop by the Center at 805 W Sioux Avenue in Pierre. Show your support: share your memories of the Discovery Center with the hashtage #35yearsofdiscovery on Facebook and Instagram!
CCBA/ Oahe Zap Baseball Night
Hot dogs, chips and pop Oahe Zap Baseball Players will be autographing baseballs Vehicle Test Drives Check presentation to CCBA Event by Beck Motor Company and Oahe Zap Baseball
Bring Your "A" Game - The Right Turn
Employers, do you have staff who would benefit from learning more about work ethic attributes? We will focus on Attitude, Attendance, Appearance, Ambition, Accountability, Acceptance, and Appreciation. Bring Your 'A' Game to work helps employees understand the benefits of work ethic and establishes a foundation for personal and professional success in the workplace. Learn about the top seven soft skills employees desire. Meals, child care and transportation may be offered for individuals taking this class. Contact The Right Turn for more information. The sessions will be held at The Right Turn on June 10, 17, 24, and July 1st. Call 605-773-4755 for more information. Funding for the series comes from the SD Department of Labor and Regulation - Family Focus. Registration link
Vacation Bible School 2024-2025 - Lutheran Memorial Church
Kids! Join us at the Lutheran Memorial Church for our annual Vacation Bible School. This year's theme, ''Under the Sea'' is sure to be o-fishy-ally the best year yet! Click here to register: link Kindergarten - 6th Grade June 11-13 5:45 - 8:15 PM Preschool June 11-13 5:45 - 8:15 PM Parents please join us Thursday evening to watch the kids put on a show!
Handling Sensory Issues - Interactive Support Group and Training
Sotera is excited to offer this Interactive Community Parent Support Group and Training. We will be using a trauma-informed and expert based curriculum created by ''Creating a Family,'' a national adoption & foster care education and support nonprofit. Each Parent Support Group Curriculum covers a different topic relevant to challenging parenting issues and includes a video, handouts, additional resource guide, and certificate of attendance (for CE credits if desired). While this curriculum is geared towards foster, adoptive and kinship families; we believe that this topic has a wealth of information that would be beneficial to the entire caregiving community and anyone in the community is welcome to attend. A wide variety of topics are offered throughout the year and are non-linear, meaning you can choose and attend the topics that interest you the most. We all process sensory input differently, but some people are especially sensitive. What might be a minor annoyance for you can be overwhelming and disruptive to someone who struggles with sensory processing issues. This curriculum looks at sensory processing issues and how they affect children. Parents will leave the support group with a better understanding of the following topics. ? What is Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)? ? How do you tell if your child is just stubborn or if they have actual sensory issues? ? What should parents do if they suspect their child might have sensory issues? ? What can parents do to help a child struggling with sensory processing issues? Free childcare is available for children under 12 during this event. Please RSVP to admin@soterafamily.org at least four days prior for childcare.