Oahe Zap Baseball Game
Oahe Zap Baseball playing against Spearfish Sasquatch
DWU's Learn & Earn Program Ribbon Cutting
Join us for the Ribbon Cutting for DWU's Learn and Earn Program! Presentation starting at 4:10 PM and Ribbon Cutting at 4:30 PM. Hear some of DWU's Representatives share some words, as well as other professionals. Network and learn more about the program! Light refreshments available and some door prizes! Can't make it? Don't worry! We will be live streaming the Ribbon Cutting on our Facebook page: Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce
Anything But Baseball Night - Oahe Zap Basbeall
Oahe Zap Baseball invites you out to the ballpark Tuesday, June 18 as the Zap take on the Spearfish Sasquatch at 6:05 PM for Anything But Baseball Night sponsor by Dakota Wesleyan University Homerun Special: $3- hotdog, chips, and fountain drink This summer marks the second season of Zap Baseball and we are doing our very best to bring the fun of summer baseball back to the community of central South Dakota! Get your tickets: Link