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Roadhouse Bike Niight
20 nights of music and motorcycles! This really is the best bike night within 300 miles. We are starting out on night one as ''kids'' night. Get all them kiddos out here with all their scoots! Lots of new things coming out this year. More classes of prizes for each night. Every night is a swap meet, bring something to swap or sell, you're welcomed, sell the whole bike. Weekly tacos are coming back! Stay tuned! And spread the word please!
Make your own Yarn Birds - Rawlins Library
These charming birds are made from fuzzy yarn, feathers, styrofoam balls and your imagination. Free, all supplies provided! Registration is requested. Please register at the circulation desk, by calling the library at 605-773-7421, or at https://rawlinslibrary.org/programs-events/