48th Annual Kiwanis Club Pancake Feed
48th Annual Kiwanis Club Pancake Feed! Serving delicious Perkins Pancakes & Sausage. Dine-In & Take-Out. Cost is a free-will donation at the door!
Photography Class - The Collective 605
Learn how to get more from your camera and take better pictures Basic Camera Settings Auto Mode, Manual Mode, Aperture Priority, Shutter Speed Priority Understanding the Exposure Triangle Shutter Speed, Aperture, ISO and how they work together Depth of Field What is it and how to control it Class is $30 and limited to ten people, Call or text Mary at (605)-280-5792 to Register. No camera? That's ok! Bring your questions and let's have a fun night of learning more about photography!
Pierre Fine Arts Festival
We are bringing in some amazing guest conductors this year and we're so excited to perform music with them for you! Event by Pierre Riggs Band. Guest conductors: Dr. Jacob Wallace and Dr. Larry Petersen
The Farr House - Virtual Tour & History
Join Ashley Boone as she gives a virtual tour and tells the history of one of Pierre's most historic houses, the Farr House! Register for this program by calling the library at 605-773-7421 or by scanning the QR Code.