Dakota Blast- Willow Creek Wildlife Inc.
Join us at Willow Creek's annual fun shoot. You can shoot 50-500+ targets, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, to warm up for Sunday's 150 target Main event. Each event only takes an hour or two so you have plenty of time to schedule this in with your other activities! Free Saturday evening feed. Every 50 targets attempted gets you a ticket in the drawing. Our donors and sponsors are giving away, two shotguns, flats of shells and TOO MANY PRIZES TO LIST! Register by: email hunt@willowcreekwildlife.com, get ahold of Aimee 605-280-7672, or click the link Shooting these events will help you in the field this Fall, regardless what the scorecard says. No invites or qualifications needed - open to all! Men, Women, and Kids Welcome! You don not have to shoot all 3 days! One event only takes a couple of hours. You do not have a crowd watching you - it's you and your squad. Relax and have fun, stop worrying about your score!
Flag Day Event - Kris' Glam Closet Boutique
Shop our Red, White, and Blue products for the 4th of July! Every Purchase will receive a gift!
Fort Pierre Enhanced Concealed Carry
YOU WILL NEED YOUR OWN HANDGUN AND AMMUNITION. Enhanced Concealed Carry class please contact us to get on the list. This class will be for the South Dakota Enhanced Concealed Carry Permit. Class will cover: Basic firearms safety Principles of self defense South Dakota firearms laws South Dakota use of force laws Handgun operation A 100 round qualification live fire exercise. Cost is $100.00. Range will be at the Oahe Downstream Public Range, this is an outdoor range so please dress accordingly.
Hero Gym Night - Oahe Zap Baseball
Oahe Zap Baseball invites you out to the ballpark, Saturday, June 8, as the Zap take on the Hastings Sodbusters at 6:05 PM for Hero Gym Night. Saturday Sips (We have WINE), KOOZIES $1 This summer marks the second season of Zap Baseball and we are doing our very best to bring the fun of summer baseball back to the community of central South Dakota! Get your tickets: link
Meet and Greet Happy Hour - Oahe Zap Baseball
Meet & Greet at the Crossing for pregame Happy Hour right before the Zap take on the Hasting Sodbusters at 6:05 PM at Hyde Stadium! If you buy a bring at the Crossing, you get a free drink at the ballpark on the Zap on June 8. Get your tickets: Link
National Rose Day & Best Friend Day event - The Alley
National Rose day and Best Friend Day! Stop in at The Alley and enjoy a glass of rose while shopping with your friends! Also at checkout, draw for a discount! LOTS OF NEW INVENTORY! Apply for a job while shopping, look for our sign on sidewalk! Shop small, shop downtown, shop The Alley!
Oahe Zap Baseball Game
Oahe Zap Baseball playing against Hastings Sodbusters