Puppy Yoga
A chance to spend time in the park, a good-for-your-body yoga class with good-for-your-soul puppy snuggles? This must be a dream. It's real... It's puppy yoga! Meet the Spice puppies at their first public debut while they experience the big world around them. Sponsored by Oahe Dive Shop, this amazing experience has limited spots available so register soon. Refreshments and a chance to visit with PAWS volunteers and play with the puppies will be offered after class.
Help our young puppies become socialized, practice your poses, and get some puppy kisses in the beautiful park.
Date and Time
Sunday Jun 2, 2024
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM CDT
Sunday, June 2nd 1 PM or 3 PM
Steamboat Park Amphitheater
Space is limited - text 605-295-0288 to reserve your spot!
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